What to Expect
The church is not a building or a meeting but made up of all those people who are in relationship with Jesus Christ. River of Life is just one of the expressions of the body of Christ in Mason, Texas. We are thankful for every church that lifts up the name of Jesus and seek to partner with them in unity for the glory of Christ!
We meet each weekend on Sunday at 10:30am to celebrate the glory of Jesus through musical worship and preaching from God’s word, the Bible. We also meet throughout the week in small groups called Life Groups in and around Mason County. Our emphasis is on relationships – our relationship with God through Jesus Christ and our relationships with others. Out of these relationships and by the power of the Holy Spirit working in us, we seek to partner with God in seeing His Kingdom come and His will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Our Sunday worship service music ranges from contemporary to traditional. Dress is casual. We seek to provide an atmosphere where people can worship in “spirit and truth,” as Jesus said – allowing the Holy Spirit to minister to each person as we focus on the truth of who Jesus is, the Son of God and our Savior.
Our teaching is Bible based and centered on Jesus as the focal point of all of scripture, for it is through Him alone that we can come to God the Father. As a result of our worship and enjoyment of the grace of God in our lives, we seek to be a blessing to our community and to take the good news about Jesus around the world.